Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to keep it simply fresh

“usually when two people are togetherfor a long time things seem to changeit’s been said

Lady Love

that nothing goo

d la

sts foreverbut this love gets better every daywe get all excited inside,
every time that we get alone
he’s still got love in his eyes, and I still have love in my soul”

Relationships define a whole new way of living because we all know that they can be tough. To make it worse as time goes by things do not get any easier. It’s not like being a sales person where you get better just because you have been in the job longer. There are times that it’s going to be all rosy and happy and other times the periods of ennui and speed bumps of tedium along the way.

Threats of infidelity can also cause looming threats when one has been with just one person for a very long time. The only thing that may save you is always having a plan to counteract these inevitable moments of lull. Just because you have been together for a long time doesn’t mean you cannot still have fun being in the relationship.

By now we all know that the key ingredient to any lasting and satisfying relationship is to be in love and for sure that is not something I cannot guide you on. However I can guide you on simple things you can do to keep it fresh and hot! now I will give you 10 ways that you can do this and I suggest that you start from number 10 going on till number 1, remember that you can add your own spice here and there to suit your personality, your likes and preferences.

Now one of the most common mistakes that couples do is spending every single minute of their lives together. am not of the opinion that this is bad just that by having people over you will not only be introducing some of your buddies to some new ladies and vice versa, but you will also have the chance to be around your partner without being attached to one another and this is a great way of keeping it fresh. The fact that you are in relationship with one another does not mean you loose your individuality but you complement one another.


I have a weakness. When I have discovered a new restaurant I usually visit it until I have completely exhausted their menu. If you are like me you may end up spending a lot of time retreading the same ground. By going to a new city, a new hotel or restaurant, you will be opening up a wide range of new conversations from the new experiences you will encounter. Trust me that it is wonderfully revitalizing when you are in a situation where you are on equal footing (you do not know what to expect or how things are done in this new place…..not forgetting the excitement of some get away loving!!

Being away from one another when in a relationship is the hardest thing to do when you are in love with someone. When in love you want to have this person by your side to a point that if you would win a lottery you would quit work and move away to a quiet beach front house in Diani…..wow!! Dreams!!

It is however important not only to have some space, but to also spend a night every once in a while as well. Being apart not only allows you some freedom but it will also make you miss each other a little bit and is an ideal way to keep your relationship strong. The wise say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. By saying sleep away from your loved one sometimes does not mean sleep with other people it however means take this time to go for a sleep over with your girls, let him go for a boys night out and trust me honey when he comes back he will have so much to tell you and so many ways to show you how much he has missed you.

The bible says in the book of Luke that the Lord loves a cheerful giver. We all agree that giving a gift to someone shows that you not only love them but that they are on your mind. Many people think that a gift has to be something expensive and flashy while it is usually the thought that counts. This can be anything that your partner likes and enjoys. A gift given in the present is an investment for your future relationship health.

My favorite movie of all time “two can play that game” always gets me into a kinky mood. There is a part of the movie where Vivica goes over to Morris chestnut’s house dressed in a killer outfit pretending that she is returning his stuff after he had lied to her and they broke up. Vivica’s motive is to get him as turned on as she possibly can then make an exit leaving him alone to suffer an enormous turn down.
Caution: do not become a stalker!! However every once in a while pop into his work place and take him out for lunch or just to say hello. Remember the same reasoning behind getting him a gift applies here.

Hey Ladies the fact that you have been dating for awhile doesn’t mean that you should shirk your duties to make him engrossed. Remember here a date doesn’t mean going to the local pizza place when there is an offer for buy one get one free. Instead do some planning and make a reservation someplace affordable, but romantic. Go the whole nine yards and dress up for the occasion have some wine and dessert and enjoy luxuriously….you can also get a place with accommodation just incase he wants to say thank you in a special way. You can make it a regular thing maybe monthly or weekly depending on your budget and schedules. It may seem like a lot of work but the fruits of your labour will pay off for years to come.

It is believed that when a man talks of the future with you in it, he is in it for the long haul. So sitting down and setting goals to be accomplished with you two as a team; this is a great way to reinvigorate your relationship and your ambition. Talk about you dreams and where you want to be in the future. Ask each other for advice on how you can accomplish these goals as a team. We know that two heads are better than one and you will be shocked at how motivating this can be, getting advice from a person who loves and cares about you.


Now this is very sensitive. Ladies before you try out number two, make sure you are ready as there is no turning back. This is so because ultimately, every couple will make that fateful decision to add someone new to the mix. I am not talking about a threesome but you can add that into your number 3 list so get your minds out of the gutter, we’re talking about bringing a child into the world. Truth be told there is nothing that will bond a couple quite like having something to care for together, something that is more important than each other. if you’re not quite ready to take that step (and don’t have a child simply because the relationship is in trouble and needs patching, it is not a fix-all solution), then think about bringing in a dog, a cat or even a goldfish( are these in our country), any being that both of you can care for and love.

Last but not least, another well kept secret of keeping things fresh is the easiest thing you can do: add that element of “new” to your life and your relationship. Take a cooking class together, do yoga with each other or take dancing lessons. Hell, just take him to a new museum once in a while if he can stand statues and lives history. The bottom line is that you want to be with each other, but it’s always better to have something in common that you can discuss together. The stuff in the bedroom, that’s the easy part, but finding someone you actually want to talk to afterward, that’s the tough part, and when you finally get that, keep searching for something new to converse about and keep that initial feeling alive for the years ahead.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Women are like…

lady silhouette poseFor decades men have tried to understand women, and find a fitting way to describe all their strange and crude tendencies to no avail. Eventually, I guess we decided to resort to similes to help in this futile attempt. I picked up the 20 best ‘women are like…’s from the many drunken discussions I have had with my fellow men and decided to share them with you. Enjoy.

1. Women are like silent men. You think they’re listening. Surprise!! They are not!!
2. Women are like elephants to me. I like to look at them, but I wouldn’t want to own one.
3. Women are like wealth, if they didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.
4. Women are like cars, men really prefer them reasonably attractive; they go after the sensational ones to impress other men.
5. Women are like toddlers, they are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weakness.
6. Women are like pets, they begin by resisting a man’s advances and end by blocking his retreat.
7. Women are like bosses, who gives a damn if they are late?
8. Women are like old cars, no matter how good she looks, some other guy is sick and tired of putting up with her crap.
9. Women are like fantasies, they are better off as an illusion, not a reality.
10. Women are like dogs really, they love a little too insistently.
11. Women are like apples on trees, the best ones are on the top of the tree. Most men don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and don’t want to get hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground, that aren’t so good but easy to pick with no risk of falling and getting hurt.
12. Women are like money, you know you have a lot of them when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
13. Women are like the stock market. They’re irrational and can bankrupt you if you’re not careful.
14. Women are like computers. They take too long to warm up and a better model always comes along once you’ve already got one. And of course, even your smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for later retrieval.
15. Women are like country songs. They’re annoying, they all sound alike, and if you really listen to them you’ll get depressed and drink a lot.
16. Women are like in-laws. You try your hardest to make a good impression. You act in ways you think they will like and you tell them what you think they want to hear. But somehow, even your best efforts backfire.
17. Women are like casinos. They always leave you broke. You always swear you are done with them. But somehow, you always go back to them again.
18. Women are like the safaricom help line. You always call them. They might promise to call you back, but they never do.
19. Women are like a treadmill. They make you sweat but you never get anywhere with them!
20. Women are like a mobile phone. Press the right buttons and they might get the message.

I’m hoping to come up with a list of ‘Men are Like…’ but ill need the ladies help here, your comments are welcome.

H1N1: What You Need To Know

There are now 9 confirmed cases of the H1N1 influenza (swine flu) in Kenya according to this Standard newspaper story. Uganda has also confirmed a case. Here is a basic run down of this disease.

What Is The H1N1 Virus?
Novel influenza A (H1N1) is a new flu virus of swine origin that first caused illness in Mexico and the United States in March and April, 2009. It spreads mainly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus, but it may also be spread by touching infected objects and then touching your nose or mouth. It causes a wide range of flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. In addition, many people also have reported nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea.

Why Was A Pandemic Declared?

The World Health Organization (WHO) raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the H1N1 virus. WHO’s decision to raise the pandemic alert level to Phase 6 is a reflection of the spread of the virus, not the severity of illness caused by the virus.

It’s uncertain at this time how serious or severe this novel H1N1 pandemic will be in terms of how many people infected will develop serious complications or die from novel H1N1 infection. Experience with this virus so far is limited and influenza is unpredictable. However, because novel H1N1 is a new virus, many people may have little or no immunity against it, and illness may be more severe and widespread as a result.

What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

  • Stay informed.
  • Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
  • Take everyday actions to stay healthy.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
  • Stay home if you get sick so as to limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
  • Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
  • Find healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety.

8 tips on how to look slimmer

Diva Divine

The way you dress can help you
I know many of us have had to ask some of the strangest questions, especially to men. Some go like this; how do I look with this dress? Does this pant make me look fat? The better majority of us try asking these questions to our reflections in the mirror. But I hate to believe that all of us women we tailored to be worried about the same thing, I mean there must be something we can for sure blame. Don’t you think some clothes actually make us look bigger and fatter? Fashion experts like me tend to believe so. There are many opinions about this. What makes you look fat and what can take 10 pounds and a few inches off your waist? Among the many recommendations that the experts keep repeating on TV programs and books, I believe that the following work the best:

1. Positive focus
If you are overweight (later on I will teach you how you can know whether you are or not), first of all, do not feel bad about your body. You would be nothing without your body and it hell supports you when walking, talking, breathing, so love it. This therefore does not mean that you get a license to eat unhealthy and not workout but your weight and your perception about yourself should not be related. You have to focus on the positive aspects of you: your smile, your eyes, your waist, your legs, etc. Accentuate the positive and disguise the negative. When you flaunt it, people will notice it and when you shun it people will repulse it too.

2. Love color and do not be afraid to experiment with it
Black is not the only option to look slender. Color and variety can help you look thinner. If you select a monochromatic look that goes well with your skin tone, you will make people look at your glowing face. Do not be afraid of color; the secret is to use one color in many different tones and you have created a monochromatic look. Be sure not to look like a rainbow though!!!

3. Elongate your body
If you are not very tall, and most of us are not, try to elongate your body by using pants that cover your shoes. This is a tip my mother gave me. If your pants cover your shoes, your legs look longer and you look taller plus your butt looks sexier. Why do you think ladies wear the crazy heels in the X-rated movies?

4. Do not use clothes that do not fit
Many women think that if the clothes are tight or loose they will look thinner. This is not true; they will only look fatter, instead not to mention shabby. Your clothes have to fit your body; neither oversized nor undersized does the trick. You can try finding a good tailor for your office clothes and even when you buy second hand clothes, you can still add a touch of your personality in your clothes.

5. Not too tight
On the negative side, tight clothes only make us look like a sausage and like my friend Laura Kote says, saving up for goodbye cellulite is hard!! – You look so stuffed that some of the fat comes out and calls attention. That is precisely what we do not want: attention in the wrong places. Be careful not to wear tops that show your tummy from down this makes you look pregnant, instead try wearing tops that come right below waist line.

6. Not too loose clothes
Oversized clothes may hide the imperfections but it does not do justice to your positive points and you will look not only bigger, but also without any shape. You are highlighting the very things you want to hide. Forget big T-shirts and blouses without any fitting.

7. Avoid extra material around your tummy
Pants with pleats, elastic waist or string waists are only adding volume to your waist. Same applies to skirts. Do I need to add anything here… guess not!!

8. Be careful with accessories
Accessories can also make you look fatter or skinnier: if you have a tummy, large belts should be avoided, because you are putting attention on your tummy. The same way necklaces too close to your face should be used carefully if you have a double chin, because it will accentuate the chin; longer necklaces have the opposite effect. If you are fat, avoid chunky necklaces as these make your neck look shorter and you end up looking like Barney from The Flintstones.

Now you know some things to watch out for when you are wondering if that great outfit makes you look fat.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Identity Theft

internetI love the internet. And I love geeks. Something about watching their faces light up when they talk code just totally does it for me. It’s like watching a kid with a brand new toy.

I am also a technoblonde … and a wannabe geekchick. I have these grand dreams and schemes of one day deciphering geekspeak. Then when I hear my pretty ones babbling about buffering and networks and whatnot, I’ll be able to join their fluent geekinese.

That said, when I think about identity theft, I think about people hacking into paypal accounts and accessing my bank account or stealing my pin numbers. I imagine them buying things in my name, or draining my life savings. Pretty scary stuff, but not something I think about often, since I don’t do much cashing online.

So today as I was trawling blogville, I got a rather rude shock. Identity theft is actually much simpler and wider than I realised. And all it takes is a ‘friend’.

With social networks like facebook and twitter, I often accept ‘friends’ indiscriminately. On facebook somebody adds you as a friend, you accept and forget about it. Sometimes, face book even accepts friendships on your behalf. They will deny this, but lots of times I have seen new friends on my list that I neither asked for nor accepted, but since they are people I know, I just let it go.

On twitter it’s much worse, because almost everybody uses a nickname, so you have no idea who you’re really talking to. Plus, there’s nothing to stop me from tweeting using, say, my brother’s name. That’s why you see a tweep called Shaq and another called The Real Shaq and yet another called The Bonafide Shaq.

The trouble with things like twitter is that you get comfortable. You say banal things, like how you’re upset that your dog just died, or how you are excited about your birthday party, or how the stripper at this club you’re at is really something. You feel safe, you are anonymous, and you are among friends. And after all, who cares about your dead dog? It’s hardly a state secret.

But consider this. You are at said club describing said stripper, and some person in your twitter group is at the same club. They simply look up, scan the crowds for the person playing with their phone, and suddenly you’re not anonymous anymore. If the person is harmless, they may come up, introduce themselves and even get to know you. Suddenly, you have a real life friend.

A more malevolent person may chat you up without telling you who they are, and cause havoc between you’re virtual and real social life. They could either chuckle at your ignorance while they play their sleuthing game, or totally ruin your life, work, or relationship.

Take another instance of a person who specifically sets out to get you. They will friend you on twitter, then deliberately collect random information about you. Your favourite team or club, the car you drive, the route you use to work, the girl you’re eye-ing … all it takes is a random tweet like ‘On my way to work, this Mombasa Road jam is the pits!’ or ‘Having dinner at Tacos with my girl’ or even ’stomach cramps, need to see a doctor’ to help someone build a rather intimate composite of you.

How is this bad? Well, for one thing, you can get totally creeped out when a stranger walks up to you and says, ‘your favourite food is X, you’re currently trying to get a job, last week you had an attack of chicken pox’ etc. Separately, these are harmless tweets, but in combination, you will feel thoroughly stalked.

Still, this is all harmless information. Throw in an evil mind and you are in dogs. Scenario A: The person has all your twitter info, and then, by way of strip club, finds out your identity. They then go on facebook and see ‘So and so is engaged to so-an-so’. Think of what they could do with that info. They could email your fiancee with dirt on you. Or worse, they could chat up your fiancee, sister, mother or even your boss pretending to be you.

Sounds impossible? Not really. I mean if they know both your names, how hard is it to set up an email address using them? If your sister got an email from Anthony.Kuku@gmail.com, she’s unlikely to think it’s someone pretending to be you. She’ll just assume you got a new email.

Then, if in the course of chatting with ‘her brother’ you talk about how she was shopping this morning and ask what she bought, how she liked the red shoes, how sad you are about the dead dog, she’ll definitely think she’s talking to you.

Now think for a second, the kind of information this person could get from your sister or fiancee, or worse, the kind of information, false or otherwise, that this person could give them. If they wanted to. Creepy, isn’t it?

How to give yourself a relaxing at home facial

If you are like me, you’re probably feeling the economic crunch in a big way and have been looking at your budget every month trying to figure out what things you can really do without. For many of us women, it becomes very difficult to compromise on our beauty regimen especially when it’s taken so long to find those great products that work so well on our skin. Well, the good news is you don’t have to compromise. You can still get that weekly, bi-weekly or monthly facial by learning how to do it yourself at home. It’s a very simple process and with a few tries, you will be well on your way to becoming your own beauty expert. In addition you will save yourself a good amount of cash and numerous trips to the beauty salon.

What You Need:

  • Cucumber slices or tea bags for your eyes
  • Towels and washcloths
  • Facial cleanser
  • Facial Exfoliator
  • Facial mask
  • Facial moisturizer
  • To give yourself a relaxing spa atmosphere you need:
  • A relaxing place to lie down
  • Aromatherapy spray
  • Relaxing music

Get prepared: Gather everything together so you won’t need to go looking for something you need later on.

STEAM: Before cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser, it is wise to give yourself a light steam treatment to open your pores and prepare your face for cleaning. To do this, simply bring 3 cups of water to a boil and pour into a bowl. Drape a towel over your head and the bowl. Let the steam envelope you for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

CLEANSE: Clean your face using your basic facial cleanser and warm water to remove any grime or dirt. If you have eye makeup on, gently remove it with eye makeup remover. Wash your hands to avoid transferring bacteria or dirt to your face. Then warm the cleanser by working it between your palms. Gently massage the cleanser into your skin, distributing evenly. Use upward, circular movements of the fingertips to gently stimulate the skin and help lift surface debris and excess oil. Rinse your face clean and gently pat excess moisture from face with a soft towel. If you wear heavy make-up, you might wish to repeat the cleansing process.

TONE: The toning process is optional. In fact, toners of any kind do not close pores, they do not deep-clean pores, and they do not reduce oil production. What a well-formulated toner can do is help reduce inflammation, add antioxidants, sooth the skin after cleansing, help remove any last traces of makeup, and impart some lightweight moisturizing ingredients to skin.Toners will have maximum benefit to those people who have extremely oily skin or who use heavy make up. However if you are like me and cannot do without a toner, be sure to use one that is irritant free. In other words, it should not irritate your skin or leave it feeling dry. Apply the toner with a soft cotton pad, but do not rub the skin. Rather, saturate the pad and pat the toner over the face and neck area. Do not pat skin dry. Avoid eye area when using a toner.

EXFOLIATE: Exfoliation is the key to smooth healthy skin. Dead cells, which clog pores and flake, can make skin look dull and patchy. Dampen your skin. Apply exfoliator to your face and gently exfoliate your skin, being careful not to get it too close to your eyes. Using your fingers, rub in a circular motion on your face. Concentrate on the areas around your nose and forehead or if you have combination skin, work harder on the areas that tend to be ‘greasy.’ Rinse your face well since exfoliating scrubs tend to be drying. Don’t forget to pay attention to your neck and chest, because these areas show skin blemishes and aging just as much as your face does. Repeat only once or twice a month, and don’t exfoliate if your skin is irritated or broken out.

MASK: Masks serve multiple purposes in a comprehensive facial. They deep-clean, stimulate circulation, remove dead skin and hydrate. Use a mask best suited for your skin type. For oily skin, use a clay-based face mask. For dry skin, go for a hydrating gel or cream mask. Apply a good amount of mask to all areas of your face, neck and chest, but avoid the eyes. Keep it on for 10-20 minutes (or, according to the directions on the product). You can use this time to treat your eyes. Lie down in a comfortable spot and place your cucumber slices or tea bags on your eyes. Turn on some soft music and relax. Using a warm wet towel, wipe off your mask making sure you pay special attention the areas around your nose and your hair line, to ensure no mask is left behind.

MOISTURIZE: The final step is to apply your moisturizer. Put a generous amount on your hands and work them together to warm up the cream. Feel free to give yourself a slight massage while applying, concentrating on your temples. Concentrate also on areas where muscles are overworked like cheeks, mouth, forehead and around the eyes. Once the lotion is completely absorbed and it becomes more difficult for the fingertips to slip across the skin, blot off any excess with a tissue, and you’re done.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How to Start the Exercise Habit

The Exercise Habit is not the easiest habit for most people, and most p

eople’s experie

nces (me included) consist of starting and stopping and starting again. Which is fine — don’t beat yourself up about it. The important thing is starting again.

The Main Problems

So why do most people have trouble making exercise a regular habit? Well, there are probably a number of factors, but here are the main ones:

Too difficult. People set out with a lot of ambition and enthusiasm, and start out with a big goal. “I’m going to go to the gym for an hour a day!” or “I’m going to hit the tread mill for 30 minutes every day!” The problem is that the goal is too difficult to sustain for very long. You can do it for a few days, but you soon run out of energy, and it becomes a drag to do it.

Too many goals. Often we set out to do too much. We want to run, and lift weights, and eat healthy, and quit chocolate, and stop drinking soda. Well, those are multiple goals, and you cannot focus on the exercise habit if you’re trying to do all the others at the same time. Or we might start with one goal, but then get caught up in another goal and lose our focus on the first one.

Not enough motivation
. It’s not a lack of discipline, it’s a lack of motivation. The most powerful motivators are logging your habit and public pressure.

The 4 Simple Steps
So how do we solve those problems? Keep it simple. Here are the 4 simple steps to start the exercise habit (and keep it going).

1. Set one easy, specific, measurable goal.
There are several keys to setting this crucial goal:

Written: Write this down. Post it up. If you don’t write it down, it’s not important.

Easy: Do not set a difficult goal. Set one that is super easy. Five minutes of exercise a day. You can do that. Work your way to 10 minutes after a month. Then go to 15 after 2 months. You can see what I mean: make it easy to start with, so you can build your habit, then gradually increase.

Specific: By specific, I mean what activity are you going to do, at what time of day, and where? Don’t just say “exercise” or “I’m going to walk”. You have to set a time and place. Make it an appointment you can’t miss.

Trigger: I recommend that you have a “trigger” right before you do your habit. For example, you might always brush your teeth right after you shower. The shower is the trigger for brushing your teeth, and because of that, you never forget to brush your teeth. Well, what will you do right before you exercise? Is it right after you wake up? Right after your coffee? Right when you get home? As soon as get off from work? A trigger that you do every single day is important.

Measurable: By measurable, I mean that you should be able to say, definitely, whether you hit or miss your goal today. Examples: run for 10 minutes. Walk 1/2 a mile. Do 3 sets of 5 pushups. Each of those has a number that you can shoot for.

One goal: Stick to this one goal for at least a month. Two months if you can bear it. Don’t start up a second goal during that 30-day period. If you do, you are scrapping this goal.

2. Log it daily.
This is the key habit. If you can log your workout, you will start to see your progress, and it will motivate you to keep going. And you have to make it a habit to log it right away. Don’t put it off, and say you’ll do it before you go to bed. As soon as you’re done working out, log it. No exceptions. And don’t make the log complicated — that will only make you resist doing the log. Just the date, time, and what you did.

3. Report to others.
I think this is key. You can do it on your blog, on an online forum, with your spouse, or friends or family, or a workout partner, or a coach, or a group, or a class. However you set it up, make it part of the process that you have to report your daily workout to other people. It could be using an online log, or on a forum, or through email, or the phone, or just by telling your co-workers what you did this morning. But be sure that they know your goal, and that you are going to report to them, and be sure that they are expecting it every day.

4. Add motivation as needed.
The first three steps might be enough for you to get the habit going. But if not, don’t just give up. If you miss two consecutive workouts, you need to look at why, and add a new motivation. Rewards, more public pressure, inspiration, whatever it takes. You can add one additional motivator, and then see if it works. If you miss two more consecutive workouts at any time, add another motivator. And so on, until the exercise habit sticks.

Tell us in the comments what your experiences are with the exercise habit and what motivates you to hit the gym.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Feminine Vocabulary

dictionaryI was surprised to find out that someone had actually figured out what some words in the feminine vocabulary mean. Ladies, please confirm the descriptions below in the comments.
  • Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
  • Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
  • Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means “something” and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with ‘”Nothing” usually end in “Fine.”
  • Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t do it!
  • Loud Sigh: This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A Loud Sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over “Nothing.”
  • That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. “That’s
  • Okay means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
  • Thanks: A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you’re welcome.
  • Whatever: It’s a woman’s way of saying #@*! YOU!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Five things that make powerful women what they are

Esther PassarisThinking of the most powerful women known we may think of political figures like Gloria Steinem, Hilary Clinton or Esther Passaris. Or maybe Oprah, Cher or Madonna or other entertainers may come to mind.

It’s easy to comprehend “power” in celebrity, or status, in those we see on the news, or the ones that write best-sellers or live in the public eye. But authentic power is something much more restrained and inspirational. Webster’s Dictionary defines powerful as “having power, authority, influence.” According to this definition, being powerful is not in any way related to being a public figure, a superstar, a multi-millionaire or a politician.

While the world unquestionably needs revolutionaries and entertainers, (considering the influence of the late Michael Jackson) and politicians, (well, that one’s disputable) what the world needs in increasing measure are everyday women, not taking advantage of their power to position themselves over others, to re-write history or be wealthy and famous, but instead women who will utilize their power to build splendid lives for themselves.

The human race desperately needs women that direct their power into touching hearts with their authenticity, stirring emotions with their expressiveness and impacting their worlds with their “regular” lives. For in so doing, women will transform the world, re-write history, will be remembered… as women who recognized and exercised their power.

Do you understand the secrets of power-full living? How can you attract more power into your life? It’s simpler than you suppose…

1. A powerful woman recognizes her leakages, and patches them right away.
Everyone has an incredible potential for power. Think of this potential as a fuel tank, power being the fuel that moves you. When you have a leakage — even the tiniest pin-hole– you lose your power. Do you recognize where in your life you are losing power? What people, activities, obligations, or thought processes drain you of your power? As you come upon them, “patch” them up by making necessary changes.

2. A powerful woman exercises her authority.
Not meaning that you start bossing about your subordinates but absolutely means you stand up for your values, do not accept to be a door-mat, assume full responsibility for your life, refuse the “victim role, refuse to “settle” for less than you ought to have in life and love, and use your power to speak your mind.

3. A powerful woman re-fuels frequently.
Like fuel, power gets spent the more you “move”. It is necessary to re-fuel your power, the more you exercise it. A powerful woman does this by connecting with inspiration frequently and regularly, by expressing her creativity, reading good books, praying, meditating and exercising. There are a million different ways you can re-power. Settle for what appeals to your heart and do it.

4. A powerful woman surrounds herself with fellow powerful women.
Reality is, you won’t always feel strong and in control. Troubles, fears, and real-life problems have a way of exhausting our power. Women who are linked to other women can share their power. When one friend is low on power, another can “siphon” some of hers to share. Driving on “E” and puttering out on the side of life’s highway, a caring comrade can pick you up and bring you to the nearest re-fueling station.

5. A powerful woman shares her power.
It seems to go against what we think of as “Powerful,” not so? The good news is; sharing your power doesn’t lessen your power. You can share your power possibly by mentoring a teenage girl, writing poetry from the heart, raising strong and independent kids, or by putting your arm around someone who’s sad and empty; there are numerous ways you can share your power. And in contrast to those horrible “fuel-leak” energy-drains, this one essentially works in reverse. On sharing your power, the world becomes a little brighter, a little more beautiful, and YOU become more even power-filled than you were before.

Therefore recognize your point of power, your sources of energy, where you lose power, how to re-fill your tank, and how you can share your power.

Today, consider your remarkable potential for a power-filled life. And start living it.

How to get rashes off your face, the kienyeji way

glass-of-milkMy dear aunt, out of concern (or over-concern) about the state of my rash-filled face, offered me some advice: (First, some drama) “What are these on your face? Didn’t I tell you to be cleansing it? What products do you use?”

(Then, after my meek explanations) “You have a dinner this week and you can’t go like this! Okay, don’t panic. (Who’s panicking??) Just go and apply a milk mask.”

My best friend interjected at this point. “Or yogurt. You could try yogurt.”
Enter my dear aunt again. “No, yogurt is processed so it’s not ideal. Just apply milk on your face at night and let it dry.”

Excitedly, me: “Then I wash it off?” (I’m just not a big fan of milk). My aunt, again, “No, silly. You keep it on overnight, then wash it off in the morning.” (Euuuww, seriously??)

I answered, “OK.”

As I thought about my big-deal dinner and my not-so-presentable face, I decided to try this miracle-cure of hers. I duly applied the milk on my face, waited for it to dry and went to bed, veeeeery skeptical about the whole thing.

In the morning I woke up, my face was feeling taut and dry. I washed off the mask and, what do you know, my face was noticeably smoother and felt brighter! Really, just milk? I asked myself.

So I did it again for the rest of the week and my face continued to improve. Arguably, by the date of the dinner it was looking better than it had in weeks.

So, go ahead, try it. It works. But of course, give it a few weeks.

Oh, and listen to your aunts. They have a wealth of experience and advice (well, not always good advice, but advice all the same)