Friday, November 9, 2012

Choo-choo training

Ethan is learning new things today; 
Stand with your legs a little wider apart than your shoulders. Tell your baby he's the train and you're the tunnel, then encourage her to crawl through your legs. Add a few "chug-a-chug-a-chugs" and train-whistle sound-effects as she passes through. After he's done this a few times, suggest that now the train needs to go through the tunnel quickly, before it collapses. As she passes through, squeeze your legs together gently and pretend to catch her (giving him a head start, of course), or lower your body (bending your knees) as if you're about to sit on him.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Son Is Now 3 Months Old

Ethan's joint flexibility is allowing him to wave and kick more forcefully.he is amused by opening and closing his fingers as well as batting his hands together.

His sense of humour is developing nicely. A tickle or a raspberry blown on his tummy he produces a chuckle and laughs.

He's bestowing smiles on everyone he meets, but is getting a little choosier about the company he keeps. In large groups or with people he doesn't know very well, he finds some time to adapt.